Subject: Linux Mozilla Core Dump
To: None <>
From: Pat Wendorf <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/13/2004 11:12:28
Seem to be getting core dumps with the Linux emulated mozilla from
pkgsrc (1.7.3).
/var/log/messages shows this:
Dec 13 09:31:49 retinal /netbsd: set{u,g}id pid 16423 (netstat) was
invoked by uid 1000 ppid 8802 (mozilla-bin) with fd 0 closed
Dec 13 11:02:36 retinal /netbsd: set{u,g}id pid 19509 (netstat) was
invoked by uid 1000 ppid 12076 (mozilla-bin) with fd 0 closed
I'm not exactly sure what netstat has to do with Mozilla, or why it
would attempt to invoke it :)
- Pat