Subject: Re: PostgreSQL taking a *lot* of CPU time.
To: Berteun Damman <>
From: Andreas Wrede <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/17/2005 13:25:41
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On 01/17/2005 15:23:17 David Brownlee wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Jan 2005, Berteun Damman wrote:
> > Note that reproducing this is not hard, but it takes quite some time,
> > because I have to let PostgreSQL run for a while doing nothing, and
> > this can take 30-120 minutes or so. After inspecting the process with
> > gdb it always get's killed, so I'll have to restart it again.
> >
> > My system is NetBSD 2.0 release (but now with my own kernel) and
> still
> > with PostgreSQL 7.4.6 from the pkgsrc.
> I've jus started seeing this on some 2.1_STABLE boxes. They had
> been running PostgreSQL 7.4.6 from pkgsrc on 2.0_RCn without
> problems
> but a newer OS & pkgsrc build gave the problems.
> I needed an instant fix so switched them to postgres80 (I have
> an updated qip postgres 8.0 rc5 package to commit as soon as I
> work out where the man pages went).
"Me too". I upgraded a production server on Sunday from 2.0RC4 kernel
(and somewhat older userland) to 2.0 release and the postgresql 7.3
server goes into a CPU loop after a couple of hours. I am now running
with and from May 1, 2004, will see if that
(Keep me in the Cc: lsit, as I am not on netbsd-help)
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