Subject: What version to choose
To: NetBSD-Help <>
From: Serban Udrea <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/09/2005 12:45:15
I have to run Samba on the NetBSD (i386) machine I am currently setting up. There are two
options in pkgsrc: v. 2.2.12nb1 and v. 3.0.10nb2. Unfortunatelly 2.2.x versions are
obsoleted so I do not know what would happen if there will be a security hole discovered for
2.2.12. On the other hand 3.0.10 is reported to have several (important) bugs which should
have been fixed in 3.0.11, but this version is apparently not present in pkgsrc. Should I
stay with the older version or should I wait (how long?) for 3.0.11, or should I try to
compile and install 3.0.11 manually?
A similar problem I have with dbmail, which I consider as an alternative email solution. The
authors released v. 2.0.3 to correct several bugs but there is just 2.0.1nb1 in pkgsrc.
Moreover, I intended to use PostgreSQL with dbmail, but there were several mails on this
list about issues with this database system on NetBSD 2.0. Did not read about a final solution.
Best regards,
Serban Udrea