Subject: Re: Trouble building tor
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/11/2005 10:27:16
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James Wetterau <> wrote:
> Jan Schaumann says:
> > And how up to date is
> > pkgsrc/mk/*?
> Some of the stuff in there is from December 21 and some of it is quite
> old.
> Is there stuff in there that has to be kept up to date manually?
The ``stuff in there'' is the pkgsrc framework. At the moment we don't
have any mechanism that says -- on a per-package basis -- you need at
least revision X of mk/
In general, it's recommend to update pkgsrc in its entirety rather than
one package at a time. If that is not practical, then I recommend to at
the very least always update pkgsrc/mk together with the package you
update. (Note that this still may break if dependencies have changed,
been updated or moved.)
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