Subject: Re: postfix: relayhost without SSL needed?
To: David Wetzel <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/22/2005 10:05:57
>> I can't have postfix require connecting clients have SSL though, only
>> SMTP Auth. Some clients that I want to be able to relay, cannot
>> support SSL.
> You need SASL2 and Postfix from pkgsrc.
> Add this to the SASL2 makefile:
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-login
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-plain
> this to /etc/mk.conf:
> run saslauthd.
> And it should work.
> Make sure that you do not use the postfix which came with the system.
meanwhile that has slightly changed to a more convenient way: in
mk.conf set
PKG_OPTIONS.postfix= sasl tls # or more, if needed
available options are: bdb inet6 ldap mysql mysql4 pcre pgsql sasl tls
to force postfix use SSL&TLS you should tell it in it's config file.
Timo Schoeler |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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