Subject: Printing ASCII (was: Re: No response when do lptest > /dev/ulpt0...anything else to try?)
To: Gary Thorpe <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/07/2005 19:13:19
Actually, I think that dumping plain ASCII text would work with most
"non-dumb" printers. (E.g., it works with an HP Laserjet I have---about
5 years old but definitely not "DOS era". The printer normally speaks
some form of PCL (PCL 6, I think), and there's a PostScript option, but
it can print raw ASCII, too. I often use that for short things
if mono-space is fine and/or if the bother of creating a .tex document
or such is too much hassle. E.g., to print a part of an email, I
occasionally will highlight the part I want to print, from mutt, then
exit mutt, and type "lpr", paste the text in, and type ^D. (^&)
I would expect to have troubles printing text with "brainless" printers,
though, such as the low-end ink-jets you can buy for $20 or $30.
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."