Subject: Re: Looking for some next steps after initial install
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: Trey Sizemore <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/10/2005 13:39:02
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 20:47:26 -0700
Andy Ruhl <> wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 21:52:15 -0500, Trey Sizemore
> <> wrote:
> > I did my NetBSD install per the manual (chapters 3 & 4) but my
> > install appears to not exactly align with the steps provided. I
> > could not get access to packages via FTP (I assume because I'm
> > using DSL and I read that PPPoE is not supported at install). My
> > machine now boots into what appears to be single user mode. I was
> > never given the option to configure time zones (my options during
> > setup for timezones were blank, just the exit option), no prompting
> > for root password selection, etc.
> >
> > This is a NetBSD 2.0 install on a Intel P4 box. I'd like to get the
> > install to the point that I can get a Desktop like KDE or Gnome up-
> > and- running as well as access the internet. I'm hoping someone
> > will either point me to the documentation I've missed or am unaware
> > of, or provide a simple how-to for getting to these next steps.
> There is a man page you may find interesting, afterboot. Just type man
> afterboot. It's got a lot of good stuff but you'll probably have to
> read through some stuff you don't need to do.
> It sounds like your install didn't complete. You shouldn't be in
> single user mode and you should have set a root password. You can fix
> this if you read afterboot. The first thing you'll want to do is edit
> /etc/rc.conf and set RC_CONFIGURED=YES.
> After that, keep asking questions. I've never used PPPoE so I don't
> know how to help you there.
> Andy
I'm using the cd36.iso from for the install. Is this
sufficient or should I be using some other media?
It was one of those perfect summer days -- the sun was shining, a
breeze was blowing, the birds were singing, and the lawn mower was
broken ...
-- James Dent
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