Subject: Re: docs on netatalk
To: None <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/19/2005 08:33:16
On Mar 18, 2005, at 4:19 PM, Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. wrote:
> Is there any kind of tutorial on the care & feeding of netatalk?
> In particular, the internal documentation of such files as
> "AppleVolumes.default" is rather cryptic.
> There doesn't seem to be a man page.
Never mind - I finally (!) thought to try google. I found (a) a newer
version and (b) a manual!
I don't know why I persist in thinking of netatalk as NetBSD-specific.
Another question:
Is there any reason I should not try to use the new release of netatalk
from sourceforge, since I haven't been able to get the version in the
package system to work? Any known caveats?
Dan Killoran