Subject: Re: Multiple Monitors
To: Daniel Brewer <>
From: Stefan Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/18/2005 23:01:08
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Also sprach Daniel Brewer (
> We're trying to run a single system with multiple monitors on a single
> graphics card. In text-mode, both monitors have identical displays. In X,
> one monitor shows the display correctly while the other shows nothing.
> Specifically, we've tried NetBSD 1.6.1 and X ver with an nvidia
> FX5200.
> I have managed to specify which monitor has the X display, but only 1
> monitor will work at a time.
> Is there a way to get both X displays to be from the same card? Will a mo=
> recent version of NetBSD / X work?
That's a problem of the X-Server.
You'll need one capable of using both VGA Outputs. There was one
available for Matrox (search the archives) and there are some by
NVidia for Linux or FreeBSD, maybe they work.
Dualhead with different videocards works w/o problems, I have one AGP
Card and 2 PCI Cards for 3 Monitors.
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