Subject: RE: getting started with torrent
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/27/2005 09:30:30
> I am getting started with torrent. Currently, I am using=20
> ctorrent (from
> pkgsrc).
I have never used it, but bittorrent and bittornado.
> Can ctorrent be stopped and restarted? Or will it start=20
> downloading from
> the beginning again?
It should be resumed. Just open the torrent file again and choose the sam=
e place. I suppose you can even alternate between console and gui without=
> If it can be restarted to continue same downloads, where does=20
> it keep its
> status file?
Hmmmmm, I don't know.
> Can different torrent clients be used to continue previously started
> torrent downloads?
> For example, could I stop ctorrent and then restart with=20
> using rtorrent?
> (rtorrent is in pkgsrc-wip but is out-of-date.)
I have started some downloads with bittorrent/bittornado and resumed them=
with Azureus on a windows box, so I suppose the answer is "yes".
> I could figure this out myself by trying ... does anyone know=20
> of some good
> documentation I can read to learn more about this?
Sorry, no doc. Just experience :)
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