Subject: kern.maxvnodes and pstat
To: None <>
From: rudolf <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/16/2005 12:57:19

I'm trying to understand the 'sysctl kern.maxvnodes' setting - according 
to sysctl(3) it is ``The maximum number of vnodes available on the 
system.''. According to pstat(8), 'pstat -T' ``Prints the number of used 
and free slots for open files, used vnodes, and swap space.''. So I was 
expecting pstat to always print lower number. On one of my systems I am 
able to regularly get opposite result:

$ sysctl kern.maxvnodes
kern.maxvnodes = 65427
$ pstat -T
212/1772 files
   73512 vnodes
0/1062432 blocks swap space

Could someone please explain me in a few sentences the relation between 
maxvnodes and pstat?

