Subject: netboot install w/o client keyboard support
To: None <,>
From: Rudi Ludwig <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/05/2005 12:32:14
In case you ever get to the same situation, here is one
way out, probably there are others as well :-)
As the current keyboard support is broken on NetBSD hp700
I figured a way to complete the diskless installation as
described in
without NetBSDs keyboard support at the client.
Everything works as described up to
paragraph: "It's time to boot up your diskless machine!"
This would drop you into single user at the client, where you're lost
because of no keyboard support.
So instead some additions and changes need to be performed at the
nfs-server for the exports before booting the client:
- <client>/etc/rc.conf
- rc.configured=YES
otherwise you end at single user w/o keyboard
- sshd=YES
to be able to login later
- <client>/dev
Makedev is a shell script, so executing it on the server
should yield same results.
- cd <client>/dev && ./Makedev all
- enabeling root to log in
- edit <client>/etc/ssh/sshd_config
#PermitRootLogin no
PermitRootLogin yes
- copy the ssh public key of the account from which you want
to log in to: <client>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
- boot the client and login
If everything worked well you can log to your client doing
$ ssh root@client
with the passphrase of your current accounts ssh-key!
- now being root at the client, you can
- set a password for root
- and continue with everything you'd like to explore.
Hope this is helpful, I didn't forget a step and that
it is not considered noise.