Subject: NetBSD binary packages
To: None <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane?= Witzmann <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/20/2005 20:32:24
I am experiencing problems with the binary packages on i386. I am running
NetBSD 2.0.2 but went back to a 2.0 kernel since there are no binary
packages for 2.0.2 (and pkg_add fails like "OS version mismatch" when
trying to install a package compiled for 2.0).
So I would like to know why there are missing binary packages. I already had
that problem in the past, I thought it was because the vulnerable packages
were deleted. This time, I also checked the vulnerable subdir, and could
not find xorg, kdebase, and openoffice (this is not exhaustive, just what I
wanted to install first).
However binary-installing kdelibs worked, but kdebase failed to compile and
asked me to remove kdelibs, which I did. Now, it fails like "cannot find
There is something I don't understand. I can install and setup a desktop
FreeBSD or Slackware box in a few hours. Setting up a NetBSD box takes
days (and fast internet access) if you have to compile all the stuff you
need. Is NetBSD not targeted at all to "binary-only" users ?
Stéphane Witzmann