Subject: /usr/src/gnu/dist/groff update problem
To: None <>
From: Jeff_W <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/2006 17:25:23
Just tried rebuilding /usr/src/gnu/dist/groff so as to get the mom.tmac
stuff. It build okay but everything ended up under /usr/local instead of
/usr/ .  I used the following to update and build it:

  # su
  # cd /usr/src
  # env=CVS_RSH=ssh cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-3-0 gnu/dist/groff
  # cd gnu/dist/groff
  # make USETOOLS=no
  # make USETOOLS=no install

 (src tree already fresh - I just did the cvs update thing to be thorough)

Clearly I'm missing something but what?  The system was recently upgraded
from 1.6.2 to 3.0 via the sysinst utility + postinstall.
