Subject: Re: anyone get NUT (Network UPS Tools) 2.0.3 to work?
To: None <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/18/2006 14:39:59
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On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 10:57:59PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> I've been trying to get nut-2.0.3,,
> to work for the last 3 weeks or so. The driver and daemon appear
> to start up with no trouble, but upsmon cannot connect. I'm thinking
> of going back to nut-1.5.9 that worked like a charm unless someone
> out there has had more luck.
I've had good luck with the 2.0.3 from pkgsrc.
> What I get from `/usr/local/ups/sbin/upsmon -D` is:
> Trying to connect to UPS [su1000@localhost]
> UPS [su1000@localhost]: connect failed: Connection failure: Network is un=
> do_notify: ntype 0x0005 (COMMBAD)
> Communications with UPS su1000@localhost lost
> wall: /dev/ttyp0: Operation not permitted
> Trying to connect to UPS [su1000@localhost]
> UPS [su1000@localhost]: connect failed: Connection failure: Network is un=
> do_notify: ntype 0x0008 (NOCOMM)
> UPS su1000@localhost is unavailable
> wall: /dev/ttyp0: Operation not permitted
> Trying to connect to UPS [su1000@localhost]
> UPS [su1000@localhost]: connect failed: Connection failure: Network is un=
> I don't understand why "wall" gets involved in this, nor what "/dev/ttyp0"
> has to do with anything. Upsmon is set up to communicate on /dev/tty1.
NUT is a network-enabled UPS monitor, the client communicates with the
daemon over IP. The driver is what talks to /dev/tty??, and it uses
some sort of IPC method (I think it's a unix socket) to talk to upsd.
> Also, what is the "Network is unreachable" message all about? The network
That doesn't make sense, should always be reachable via lo0.
> works fine, and in the first place upsmon should be connecting via the
> serial cable, not the network.
> Any help or ideas much appreciated.
> --=20
> henry nelson
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