Subject: Re: scripting with background processes
To: None <>
From: Eric Fox <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/20/2006 21:21:13
Take a look at 'expect', such as tcl-expect in pkgsrc, it's a scripting
language that will do what you want.
/\---/\ Eric J Fox
/ o o \
\.\ /./ ---------------------------
\@/ "Of course it runs NetBSD."
Paul Apprich wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a wireless access point (specifically the DLink DWL2100AP)
> that can be configured via telnet. I am using netcat as the pipline. I
> had used a scripting language in ProComm Plus (a communications
> package from the last century for an OS I prefer not mentioning here)
> called ASPECT. What I need to do is something like this:
> listen for "login:"
> respond with 'username'
> listen for "Password:"
> respond with 'password'
> etc.
> Once logged in the script would issue configuration commands such
> as 'set apmode' or 'find bss'.
> Must I run netcat in the background? If so, how do I interact with
> the process?
> TiA
> Paul