Subject: Re: Question on .profile
To: Huub <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/23/2006 11:12:46
On Fri, 23 Jun 2006, Huub wrote:
> I've been looking through the Guide. The specific problem I have
> actually has to do with PKG_CONFIG_PATH. I'm trying to build
> /meta-pkgs/gnome. This ends very early in error, because it's unable to
> find glib-2.0 and gives the advise to add the directory it is in to
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH. I did this with export, but it still can't find it. So
> I'm thinking about adding it to .profile, hoping it solves the problem.
If you are using pkgsrc, (hopefully) modifying your own environment should
not change anything. pkgsrc attempts to set its own environment variables
(and build flags) as appropriate to make sure the build is consistent and
correct as the maintainer defined.
If you have a problem with building pkgsrc/meta-pkgs/gnome/ then please
check to see what specific package is having the problem. (That meta
package pulls in real packages.) Then we can try to track down the problem
with it.
You may want to do a "make clean-depends clean" first and then record the
last ten or so lines from the output of when you run "make".
Consider posting to the pkgsrc-users list to get pkgsrc assistance.
Take care,
Jeremy C. Reed
echo '9,J8HD,fDGG8B@?:536FC5=8@I;C5?@H5B0D@5GBIELD54DL>@8L?:5GDEJ8LDG1' |\
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