Subject: auto mounting daemon (amd) question
To: None <>
From: Aleksey Cheusov <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/07/2006 22:20:22
Hi, all.
I'm trying to use NetBSD amd daemon.
It seems to work except that it doesn't react on utimeout=3 option
set in /etc/amd/media.
I've started a daemon, then run 'ls -a /media/cd/'.
CD is mounted and I see files in it.
Now, I expect that CD will be unmounted automatically in three seconds.
But it is not.
Config and log messages are below.
What's wrong in my config?
Sep 7 22:09:48 chen amd[442]: "mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a /amd/auto/cd" mounted fstype program on /amd/auto/cd
Sep 7 22:09:48 chen amd[442]: /media/cd set to timeout in 3 seconds
Sep 7 22:09:51 chen amd[442]: "mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a /amd/auto/cd" unmounted fstype program from /amd/auto/cd
Sep 7 22:09:51 chen amd[442]: am_unmounted: remounting cd
Sep 7 22:09:51 chen amd[442]: merge rem/opts "ro" add "utimeout=3" => "ro,utimeout=3"
Sep 7 22:09:51 chen amd[442]: "mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a /amd/auto/cd" mounted fstype program on /amd/auto/cd
Sep 7 22:09:52 chen amd[442]: /media/cd set to timeout in 3 seconds
[ global ]
unmount_on_exit = yes
localhost_address =
log_options = all
[ /media ]
map_name = /etc/amd/media
/defaults type:=program;fs:=${autodir}/auto/${key};\
unmount:="/sbin/umount umount ${fs}";addopts:=utimeout=3
cd mount:="/sbin/mount mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a ${fs}";opts:=ro
Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.