Subject: Re: Needing help with fdisk
To: Johnny <>
From: David Laight <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/14/2006 18:23:49
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 12:14:52PM -0600, Johnny wrote:
> Hi
> Where can I find more help on understanding using fdisk.
> I am getting ready to install NetBSD 3.1 on a 4G HD
> know other OS will be installed. Just NetBSD 3.1
> I just needing help on what partions should I create before installing.
sysinst contains code to edit the mbr partition table.
NetBSD will split a single mbr partition into multiple NetBSD partitions
for different filesystems, so you only (usually) need a single mbr partition.
For a 4GB disk just rung through sysinst, saying you'll use the entire
disk for NetBSD, and (probably) just have a root '/' filesystem and the
swap/dump area as offered.
David Laight: