Subject: boost
To: None <>
From: Jan Danielsson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/17/2006 21:11:49
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Hello all,
A friend of mine gave me a boost example (meta-pkgs/boost). I'm 95%
certain that I simply installed boost, and then compiled the sample
application on my old NetBSD system. But now it can not find the boost
The boost headers are located in /usr/pkg/include/boost, and the
sample application expects the headers boost/blah... In OS/2 I would
simply have made sure that "/usr/pkg/include" was in the "INCLUDE"
environment variable, but I don't know what I need to do in NetBSD to
make it work. Shouldn't there be an analogous variable to the "INCLUDE"
in NetBSD (read: gcc, I guess), and shouldn't it be pointing to
/usr/pkg/include/ ?
Newbie, as you can see.
Kind regards,
Jan Danielsson
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