Subject: Re: OT: rsync issues
To: DataZap <>
From: Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/14/2007 10:59:57
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Also sprach DataZap (
> Hi,
> I think that this is a little off topic, but I know that someone on this
> list probably has an answer for me. I googled, but I still can't seem to
> find an example of how to do this.
> I just updated rsync on both of my servers and deleted all the files off
> the backup. I was then able to backup the main server without any
> problems, but when I went to run rsync again, it gives me an out of memory
> error. What I would like to do is write a shell script that would call
> rsync, but only have it backup a small part of the files at a time until
> all of the files are backed up. I have not been able to find an example of
> this. Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be done?

Rsync supports excellent include/exclude options with RegExes. You
just have to generate those lists to copy the data piecewise to the

You could use find(1) and wc to generate lists that work.

PGP FPR: CF74 D5F2 4871 3E5C FFFE  0130 11F4 C41E B3FB AE33                                =20
Jeder wird als Faust geboren, um alles zu erfassen, alles zu erproben, alle=
auszudr=FCcken. Da=DF Faust Gelehrter wurde, daf=FCr sorgten die Fehler sei=
Vorg=E4nger und seiner Zeitgenossen.=20
Boris Pasternak, Doktor Schiwago

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