Subject: Re: modular xorg and startx
To: Bernd Limbach <>
From: Tobias Nygren <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/21/2007 20:15:16
Bernd Limbach wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I assume this one is slightly off topic to netbsd, but maybe some of
> you already have had my experience and can point to a clue.
> I installed modular xorg, pretty much after:
> But I cannot get X to run, it seems to me that I have some issues,
> depending on how I want to start it.
> Basically I want to use startx, as I knew before using Xfree86 or
> monolithic xorg.
> Depending if I start it as a user bernd:wheel I am just able to manage
> to get the background and a working mouse pointer, but no windows.
> When using Ctrl-Alt-Backspace I can read:
> --------8<--------
> xauth: error inlocking authority file /home/bernd/.Xauthority (it's
> empty!)
> --------8<--------
> in Xorg.0.log I can see:
> --------8<--------
> (**) RADEON(0): RADEONPreInit (I assume it probes right)
> ..
> AUDIT: Sat <timestamp> 10137 X: client 1 rejected from localhost
> --------8<--------
> The latter sounds strange. From reading I understand that either the
> command "X" is used to start the Xserver or that in .xserverrc the
> name of the Xserver can be put. Unfortunately I cannot "man X", no man
> page found, which wonders me (was it "man 1 X"?).
> "X" also should be a link to the real server fitting to my graphic
> card. Modular X works with libraries as far as I understand, so that
> seems to be not really useful here.
> If I try startx as root, _sometimes_ I get the xterm windows and
> xclock on the screen, but it looks like twm was not started.
> I guess it is not related to NetBSD-current, but anyway:
> - GENERIC_LAPTOP 4.99.16 as of 200703220002Z
> - pkgsrc HEAD from a about a week ago
> - ATI Mobility 9000 64MB RAM Gfx card
> in my Acer Travelmate 800
> - DISPLAY is set to ":0.0"
> - in mk.conf: X11_TYPE=modular
> Maybe I am just standing in front of the solution, but I cannot see it.
> Any hints or pointers where to look at?
> Thanks in advance, Bernd
Some ideas:
Did you prune all your old xorg packages?
Try to delete ~/.Xauthority
To aid debugging, try startx -- -noreset.
Check ~/.xsession-errors for clues.