Subject: Key Mapping of Special Keys in Console on i386 Netbsd
To: NetBSD-help <>
From: mowestusa <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/26/2007 06:59:45
First I would like to thank the community for the
excellent advice I received for installing software
without a network connection. By using CD's and USB
Flash I have been able to install and meet all of the
dependencies without much effort using pkg_add. Thank
Now I'm coming from Linux and I'm used to having all
of my keys work as they do under Windows even in the
console. I've searched the NetBSD site, but haven't
found the solution, so I would appreciate being
pointed in the right direction once again.
When using vim my del key acts like a backspace key in
"insert" mode. Can this be changed? (This is not an
issue under Linux, and I have copied all of my
.vim/plugin files and .vimrc over to my NetBSD box. So
the vim configuration should be the same.)
Also the "home" "end" and "pgup" "pgdn" just beep
instead of scrolling or going to the beginning or end
of the line. I know there are other key combinations
to use in vim or vi for these operations. I'm simply
wondering if it is possible to get these keys to work.
I'm sure it must be a configuration issue that I don't
know about.
I'm using the following:
NetBSD 3.1
Bash 3.2
Vim 7.0
In console only, no X configured or in use. On a P166
Toshiba Laptop with 32megs of RAM.
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