Subject: Is a color console possible under wscons?
To: NetBSD-help <>
From: mowestusa <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/27/2007 08:26:26
One of the programs I wanted to run from the console
is wyrd, a calendar program that is CLI ncurses based
and uses remind.

When trying to start it throws up the error:
Fatal error: exception Failure("Your terminal emulator
does not support color.")"

I do not have X running because this is an old laptop
166mhz with 32megs of ram. Is this a limitation of
wscons or do I just need to change a setting. I have
looked at all of the manpages for wscons. They mention
being about to set different "screens" which relates
to the -t switch for wsconscfg, but there is no list
that I can find of the different consoles and screen
depths that are available.

Currently I believe wscons has given me 4 virtual
terminals and all of them are running what I believe
is the default 80x25 in vt100 or vt220.

I tried an 80x50 in one of the virtual terminals, and
although the font was readable it looked smushed down.
Currently on this laptop LCD that supports 800x600 I
have about 1.5" on the top and bottom that are unused.
even in the 80x50 setting.

Is there anyway to get a "full screen" virtual
terminal and in color?

Will I have to try to get X working to get a "color"
"full screen" virtual terminal using a window manager
and xterm?

Thanks for your help and direction. Perhaps I missed
some documentation on this issue, but I found nothing
in the NetBSD guide or the FAQ.


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