Subject: Re: Adding /usr/local to daily security audit
To: Jeff_W <>
From: Francisco Valladolid Hdez. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/28/2007 15:57:16
Hi Jeff
You know veriexec ?, maybe it can help you.
$ man 4 veriexec
--- Jeff_W <> wrote:
> Is there an easy way? Mainly just want to check the
> binaries, libraries
> and config files under /usr/local. Doesn't need to
> be at the same level
> as the default /usr/pkg audit, maybe just daily
> checks of
> /usr/local/{bin,etc,libexec}, log diffs and
> generate/check checksums. As
> near as I can tell I'd probably need to create
> something in
> /etc/security.local and maybe a permissions category
> under /etc/mtree/.
> But I'm not sure. Maybe there's an easier way.
> Didn't see anything that
> seemed relevant on; maybe someone knows
> of other online
> resources that cover this topic?
> Jeff W.
> Albany, OR
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Francisco Valladolid Hdez. -
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