Subject: netbsd and services consult
To: None <>
From: George Georgalis <>
List: netbsd-jobs
Date: 01/03/2007 15:08:33
My company uses a grid infrastructure to run modeling and
simulation of clinical trials and drug interactions.
We have our grid system and hardware worked out but there are
several areas I could use some guidance on as we move our
production systems to NetBSD (from Debian & friends).
We're looking for someone who can demonstrate installs of the
following with enough expertise to accelerate our integration:
* Software RAID (guidance to install OS on RAID-1 which will boot from either drive)
* pf rules (have done pfspamd and masq, want high level guidance for additional)
* Monitor, Report and Alarm systems (looking for expert "mon" config/design, snmp traps)
* anonymous cvsup (presently we use internal keys to cvs account, need a no auth/ssh system)
* CA and key management (general advise, have openvpn/https system in production, never tried revocation)
* pkgsrc development (sge6 is working on freebsd, almost on netbsd)
* Remote Console (no experience with IPMI)
* misc web cgi (mod_python preferred, input sanitizing)
I'd like to fully integrate the above in 3 months with most of
the groundwork in 6 weeks. I'll do the integration but I'd like
to see some specific demonstration---to work from---vs generic
They are listed in rough priority of immediate needs. In most
cases I have conceptual understanding and some experience but
insufficient expertise for production deployment in this time
I don't see the need to come on-site, will probably setup a box for
demo and file exchange. Is this something you will be interested
to help us with in a professional capacity? If so, send me any
questions, your CV (text, pdf or html) and rate; along with any
particular requirements you have, at which point, if all is a go,
we can come up with a work proposal.
// George
George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator <IXOYE><