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[ Yahoo Frontdoors Service Engineer (Systems Admin/Packaging/Release)]

This probably involves relocation, though it's not unheard of for Yahoo
to let people work remotely.  Let me or Charles know if you're

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Hey guys, my team currently has several openings for service engineers (think
systems administrator/package build/release).  My team is responsible for  
keeping,,,, Yahoo
Toolbar, a backend data mining system, and a few others up and running
smoothly.  We're responsible from the application stack and up.  Yahoo has an
awesome production operations team that takes care of racking hardware,
running wires, replacing bad disks, etc..  We take care of installing any  
required software bits like apache, mysql, etc.. and packaging and installing
our sites software stacks.  We're also responsible for setting up and
maintaining the monitoring of the sites, and working directly with the
software developers to ensure what they build is quality and easy to maintain,  
with extremely high availability and operational performance.  We dont just
eat tickets and execute request, we're deeply involved in the site
architecture and have strong input on how things should be done.

To that end im looking for candidates who understand how to drive gdb, strace,  
ktrace, can debug from the PHP layer down into the network stack.  Folks who
believe that when there is a problem you work to understand exactly why the
problem occured, and drive it to permanent resolution, not people who think a   
reboot is the solution.  Folks who can look at a site architecture and point
out where all the potential points of failure are, and come up with clean,
simple solutions to remove them.  Most of the systems in my team are running
BSD with a few RHEL boxes here and there.  I currently have openings in our
London & Sunnyvale offices, so if your interested please fire me a copy of
your resume and we'll go from there!

(Official job posting plus legaleze here )


     Charles Henrich                Y!       

                  Attending meetings so you dont have to
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