Subject: Re: Intel i960 port
To: Kevin Schoedel <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 03/20/2000 23:53:18
> I think only the MC & MX had MMUs, and all the rest don't.
> I've still never seen an MC.
Both of these statements agree with my own i960 experiences.
I do recall seeing an MC databook. It felt like a resurrection of the i432,
with gobs of CISCy instructions arranged so that they could be emulated in
software if necessary. Clearly, it would die a quick and merciful death.
All the volume i960's were embedded controllers. AFAIK there are no i960's
with real MMU hardware available in any worthwhile quantity.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @