Subject: Re: Problem with sun-jdk-1.3.0
To: Technolord <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 02/05/2001 09:53:44
You really want to send this message to This mailing
list is for discussing porting NetBSD to new platforms, not the package
system. There are a lot more folks who can help you on tech-pkg. :-)
Take care,
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Technolord wrote:
> I'm trying to get ArgoUML running on my system, netbsd/i386 1.4.3, suse
> emulation 6.3nb1 (now installing 6.4)
> ArgoUML ( any verion (both stable and current)
> launches correctly, but when trying to label something the input hangs:
> it doesnt't read from keyboard, it leaves the mouse to the "I" icon,
> doesn't respond to clicks nor keyboard shortcuts; In other words, stuck.
> I guess it's a NetBSD problem since in the ArgoUML bugbase doesn't appear
> anything like that (and it would appear quite often!)
> I'd also to try with the jdk1.2 (even if 1.3 is officially supported), but
> it isn't anywhere in the pkgsrc tree.
> I hence beg for help from kind souls like you!
> Thank you
> Paolo