Subject: Re: File System Types
To: None <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/23/2000 21:56:50
Many thanks to David, Jon, and Jason for the responses. This is exactly
what I was looking for. This is what I love about NetBSD - I waited
exactly one hour before checking for responses, and there were three
that fit the bill exactly.
Oh, and David - I wasn't implying that NetBSD was limited to 2G volumes
- I was stating that I didn't want to be limited to 2G volumes by my 2G
drives. Just a minor mixup.
I'll actually be checking on this now, but I'm curious - when you use
RAIDframe, should all devices in the raid be the same size? or can you
vary them as you like? The answer may be worth adding to the man page.
Thanks everyone!