Subject: Re: password encoding
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/03/2001 13:18:13
On Tue, 3 Apr 2001 wrote:
> is it possible to convert linux password files when changing system to
> netbsd from linux?
Read the shadow(5) manual page on the Linux box; read the master.passwd(5)
on the BSD box.
If you are using the same encryption algorithm, then simply write a script
that reads the Linux shadow file and generates the appropriate fields for
the BSD master.passwd file. (I have done the reverse a few times -- moving
some BSD/OS systems to Red Hat Linux.[1])
If it uses a different encryption, then you may need to tweak or config
NetBSD to use it.
Jeremy C. Reed
[1] My supervisers either lacked the money to continue to pay for a BSD/OS
licenses -- or they were sadly convinced that Red Hat Linux was better.