Subject: Post-install setup - what's the best routine?
To: None <>
From: Gavan Fantom <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/02/2001 15:13:30
Recently I've been playing a little with demonstrating how to set up a
NetBSD/i386 1.5 machine as a desktop machine for a single user or a small
number of users. Nothing special, just plain NetBSD + pkgsrc + X. With
systems such as FreeBSD, the installer takes the user a bit further
through this kind of setup (including setting up X and installing a window
manager). Ours does not.
So I'm writing here what I tend to do next, really to compare notes...
I'm hoping some people might find this useful or that somebody will say
"why are you doing that when you could do this?"
Anyway, here goes...
After running the installer, I usually find myself doing the following:
Create /etc/usermgmt.conf so that new users have their home directories in
/usr/home (/home makes no sense if there is no separate /home partition,
or a symlink is created)
useradd -m gavan
passwd gavan
Edit /etc/group and add my user to wheel and operator
Log in as me and su
(ok, not strictly necessary here, but hell, why not :)
Add dhclient to /etc/rc.conf and run dhclient
ftp and unpack syssrc.tgz
Compile a new kernel and reboot
(first things first - things go a bit faster from this point on)
Install cvs. Up until now that's involved installing pkgsrc just to obtain
cvs and then deleting it again, but I imagine that would be better done
with a binary package.
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cd /usr
cvs checkout -P pkgsrc
Install bash and other packages
Install XF86Setup
Use XF86Setup to set up X
Find that X won't start, and use xf86config to redo it all
Find that X still won't start, so edit the XF86Config file by hand so that
X stops throwing out all of the modes and complaining that there are none
Install kde from pkgsrc
Come back the next day *grin*
Put kdm and kdmdesktop into /etc/rc.local or equivalent in /etc/rc.d
Log in with X
Find an old pkg that I hacked about with a while ago that manages to
intsall licq 0.61 and wish that it was in pkgsrc
Install Linux compatibility stuff and Netscape
Take a text editor to the KDE configuration files to sort out the icon
positioning [the default isn't to my taste, and the dialog box to change
it is broken under NetBSD]
Install random other applications as and when needed.
I think that's about it...
Gillette - the best a man can forget