Subject: Re: Houston, anyone?
To: Eric Schnoebelen <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/13/2001 16:42:28
> - > I don't know about either case.. I've been doing quiet
> - > evangelism for NetBSD in the Dallas region for years..
> -
> - Quiet evangelism? I detect an oxymoron this way lurking? (^&
> Perhaps.. But there's no point in screaming my head off
> if no-one is going to listen.. :-)
What? You've never heard of ``Primal Scream Therapy''?
> - I think that I've heard from at least two people in Dallas.
> Well, I know several others in the area.. And I've tried
> to do my part by increasing the numbers.. Frequently by giving
> folks hardware to play with that only NetBSD will run on.. (like
> HP 9000/425s, etc..)
> - > There is an awful log of Texas, and a lot of that is
> - > pretty barren!
> -
> - Probably because they chopped down all of the awful logs. Strange
> - thing, though, I didn't know that they had any kind of timber
> - industry down here.
> -
> - (duck)
> Actually, just northeast of you is a tremendous timber
> industry... Not that I'm related to it in any way, but I
> thought you out to know.. And the duck hunting is supposed to
> be good too.. :-)
> For more details on the lunch-bunch list, drop me a line
> directly.
Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on it in time. (Free time is at
a premium, and lists gobble up chunks of my time quite easily... But a
Houston-specific list would have some hope of being small & extremely
sparse. Just what I want, in terms of traffic. (^&)
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''