Subject: Re: wireless networking
To: Dustin Sallings <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/19/2001 15:07:53
Dustin Sallings <> wrote on Sun, 19 Aug 2001
at 12:05:30 -0700 in <Pine.OSX.4.33.0108191204560.972-100000@dustinmobile>:
> It seemed to find my network, or was that just a last setting on
> the card kind of thing?
It will find a network (if there is a network to be found).
It will not provide you with a list of available networks, which was what
the original question was.
Further, if you specify a network (SSID or ESSID), it will attempt
to find an access point that matches criteria.
> # | I've read the wireless networking page at and the
> # | wi and wiconfig man pages, and some of the wi and wiconfig source code,
> # | but I can't figure out a way to get a list of the available network IDs.
> # | Is this possible?
> #
> # It is not. There is no documented interface to obtain this information
> # from the card.