Subject: Updating src via cvs/ssh
To: None <>
From: Jim Breton <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/24/2001 21:30:27
I've been trying to implement the method of src updating outlined here:
Previously I'd been using rsync, but would like to start using ssh for
this (I haven't tried rsync over ssh for this yet). Here is what I am
$ export CVS_RSH=ssh
$ export
$ cvs update -d $CVSROOT -rnetbsd-1-5 -PAd
Then I get the following error:
Secure connection to refused.
cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if
However, I can connect to port 22 on manually with no
problem. And even more strange, if I watch that box with a sniffer,
it's not even _attempting_ to connect to that host. It does the dns
lookup but then never tries to connect.
The system is release-1-5 on i386, using cvs-1.11nb2 from pkgsrc.
Any idea what's wrong? I found some messages on a Google search where
someone else had a similar problem, but it was almost a year ago and
IIRC it was a problem with the server... which is obviously not (yet)
the case here.