Subject: Strange DNS resolving pauses in Mozilla 0.9.9
To: None <>
From: Brian de Alwis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/17/2002 17:46:46
I take my laptop between several locations. In one location, which
has a 10Mbps link to the net, Mozilla (and only Mozilla) suffers from
strange DNS resolving pauses. I'll ask for and have
Mozilla wait ten to twenty seconds for the host to resolve. This
happens repeatedly, and for all web-sites. Mozilla itself remains
responsive: I can cancel, and it does window updates. And it will
eventually resolve the name.
It's not a DNS problem, as I have no such problems when using
Netscape, lynx or nslookup and friends. My nameservers are both up,
and ping within 2ms. The Mozilla 0.9.9 is natively compiled, and
I had the same problems with 0.9.8. Netscape is the Linux binary,
and lynx is also natively compiled.
I have no control over the router/gateway. Though I can't see why
it would only cause problems for Mozilla anyways.
Any ideas?
NetBSD slab 1.5.3_ALPHA NetBSD 1.5.3_ALPHA (GENERIC_LAPTOP) #0: Wed Feb 6 00:56:35 CET 2002 i386
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