Subject: Re: Gnome, and ``Re: Use of `pkg_chk` ''
To: None <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/19/2002 23:59:02
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Grace <> writes:
>>>> Markus W Kilbinger <> 19/06/2002 11:15:42 >>>
>> One of the gnome parts tries to use ncurses if it's
>> present/installed, leading to the above undefined reference
>> (why?). A work a round is to deinstall ncurses for the gnome
>> built, so it's not used anyway.
Richard> Fair enough. That seems to have done the trick.
Richard> When I removed ncurses-5.2, there were no other packages
Richard> relying on it anyway, so as far as I'm concerned, it can
Richard> stay that way. :-)
You can reinstall ncurses after the gnome built!
Richard> Wouldn't a better work around be to link it if it's
Richard> installed, so that the complaining component of gnome
Richard> would be able to use it? I haven't got that much
Richard> experience with the NetBSD packaging system yet, so I
Richard> don't know if that's as easy to do as it is to type...
Richard> ;-)
The solution would be to find out exactly which gnome part checks for
ncurses. -> i) Disable this check or ii) fix the ncurses usage of this
gnome part in pkgsrc.