Subject: Re: OT: How to make a slow link (look) "faster"?
To: Carlos A. Carnero Delgado <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/22/2002 20:20:14
on Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 01:35:16PM -0500, Carlos A. Carnero Delgado wrote:
> The problem is simple: they don't have enough bandwidth. They have a
> 128KBit/s line to the Internet for almost 100 users; the real interesting
> part is that they'll be stuck with that bandwidth for a long time. So, as a
> fact, the pipe is not fat enough.
> However, I'd like to ask you for tricks, hints, anything that could help me
> make the most of those 128KBit/s (oh, those are actually 128Kbits inbound
> and another 128Kbits outboud over a guaranteed carrier-grade link, whatever
> that means in these days ;)
Two things that might help: caching and traffic shaping.
Caching can be done by, for example, pkgsrc/www/squid or pkgsrc/www/wwwoffle.
Traffic shaping can be done by altq, which I do not think is in 1.5.x, but
I believe KAME has some patch kits that will allow you to use it.
Before doing this, though, you probably want to see what is using the most
bandwidth. ipfstat -t can help with this. netstat -inb -I if0 1 (where if0
is the out going interface) will allow you to make sure the link is indeed
under a lot of load, and it is not something else slowing things down.
tcpdump and ethereal can also be useful. etc.