Subject: Re: Serial and SSH - conections over network
To: Maurizio Caloro <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/10/2003 20:10:50
[ On Friday, July 11, 2003 at 01:11:56 (+0200), Maurizio Caloro wrote: ]
> Subject: Serial and SSH - conections over network
> i put my sparc now im my garage why its a little to loud :-),
> and i manage it over  the (electric-network stromnetzwerk)
> over ssh and its where good, any my little network 14mbit its fast enougt !, 
> but any time my sparc after a reboot dont start where fine and i must
> walk to my garage :-( ......
> now my question can i attache the serial device over LAN ??.

well, that depends.....

Normally one would use a terminal server that supports "reverse telnet"
to gain access to a serial port via a network connection.  There is
software avaliable which can provide a similar service on a host
machine.  One example of such software is this package:

See also RFC 2217.

> can i use it my client machine to manage my server  after a failed
> reboot, 

If you have two or more machines then you can also manage the consoles
of all but one of them with the serial ports of one of them by using the
software described here:

which is also in:


(conserver works OK with most terminal servers too)

								Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;            <>;           <>
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