Subject: Re: RAIDframe as a backup technique
To: None <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/16/2004 07:34:28
Amitai Schlair writes:
> Greg Oster wrote:
> > Amitai Schlair writes:
> >
> > > When I swap in a drive that was part of the RAID set two weeks ago,
> > > how can I be sure that RAIDframe will reconstruct _onto_ it, not
> > > _from_ it?
> >
> > The "old" component will have correct component numbers, correct ID's,
> > and correct "everything but the modification counter". In that case,
> > RAIDframe will identify the old component as being part of the set,
> > but will realize that there is a component out of sync (due to it's
> > modification counter being lower) and will mark that old component as
> > "failed". You can just then use "raidctl -R" to rebuild the
> > old-component in place (and re-sync to the good component).
> That sounds hard for me to screw up, which is a desirable property of a
> backup regimen.
> Speaking of screwing up, another rather important question comes to
> mind: what happens when I need to restore data? I usually won't want to
> roll back the whole filesystem to the way it was two weeks ago. How can
> I safely mount the "old" component's filesystem in order to copy backups
> of just the affected files onto the active (and temporarily degraded)
> RAID set?
That will be a little bit trickier, since RAIDframe is going to
incorporate that "old component" into the RAID set... The easiest
solution is probably to create another partition on that disk... So
if you have something like:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
e: 24117248 2048319 RAID # (Cyl. 2032*- 25957*)
for the RAID component, just add
f: 24117184 2048383 4.2BSD 1024 8192 46376 # (Cyl. 2032*- 25957*)
(i.e. reduce the size by 64 and increase the offset by 64, and make
the other parameters the same as the parameters in the disklabel for
the raid set) to the disklabel, and you should be able to mount 'f' directly.
(This works for only RAID 1 sets, of course :) ).
Greg Oster