Subject: Re: sup or cvs?
To: Karl Hammerschmidt <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/22/2004 22:29:49
On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 11:04:22AM -0600, Karl Hammerschmidt wrote:
> I've installed NetBSD system (for home use), and I'm going to rebuild
> the kernel, and update the userland.
> In the past, I've used SUP to fetch the source because when I've used
> CVS it would update the files and then stall for quite a while before
> printing a "connection reset by peer". (I don't remember the exact
> message, but it didn't say much beyond that.)
> But when I've used SUP I haven't been sure whether to set the delete or
> execute flags on the various collections in /etc/supfiles/coll.list. In
> the example, delete is only set on the pkgsrc collection.
> So, I'm curious if I should use SUP or CVS, and I'm curious what I
> should do about the issues I've had.
Well, it depends on your usage. To track a slow-moving target like a release
branch, where you won't upgrade often, I would use sup.
To track current cvs is better because it's more real time: the sup server
is updated only once a day, and if it happens at a time where the tree is in
an unbuildable state, you have to wait 24h. With cvs you can get the fix
a few minutes after it's commited.
Manuel Bouyer <>
NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference