Subject: Re: updating NetBSD-current on a network
To: None <>
From: Ian P. Thomas <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/15/2004 21:58:42
On Aug 15, 2004, at 10:22 PM, wrote:
> What would be a good way to update NetBSD hosts on a network, i.e. I
> have a single development machine, on which I download src, xsrc and
> compile the base system, other machines on the network are too slow
> for such tasks. I'd like to update those machines, but not sure how, I
> suppose I could copy sets across the network and unpack them on each
> machine, but then I have a feeling that running "./ install=/"
> is the preferred method as it probably does update automatically
> without breaking things. What parts of the /usr/src tree do I need to
> run "./ install=/" successfully?
> Thanks
It may be possible to put /usr/src onto an NFS share and run '
install=/' on each machine that has the share mounted. In fact you may
only need the OBJDIR as the NFS share and the other machines can get
the binaries and such from that share when is run. Can
someone verify if this would work?
In my own experience, I've always upgraded my machines by unpacking
sets and then using etcupdate without any problems, but ymmv.
Ian Thomas