Subject: External build of huge package
To: None <>
From: Asmodehn Shade <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/20/2004 22:45:02
I need to build a huge package (openoffice) in a small disk.
So I'm trying to build it on an USB disk, mounted in /mnt/HB.

First I tried to make a symbolic link from 
/usr/pkgsrc/misc/openoffice/work to /mnt/HB, but it seems not to work 
(Operation not supported - because of FAT on my USB disk I supposed...)

So I wonder if there is a simple way to use the existing package 
collection, but to build the package in some another directory, may be 
on another disk.

The ugly solution may be to copy the whole (because of dependencies) 
package collection on /mnt/HB, but this is really dirty. I suppose there 
is better solution in pkgsrc that I ignore. I was looking on the net but 
didnt find any satisfiing answer... In pkgsrc doc too.

Thanks all,
