Subject: Re: xorg and shared libraries
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/07/2005 11:31:12
In message <>, "
Jeremy C. Reed" writes:
>On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Staffan Thomen wrote:
>> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>> > I just set up a machine with only xorg. That is, I didn't install any
>> > of the X packages from the distribution. (Well, the CD I built; it's
>> > -current from yesterday.) I then built xorg from source. When I try
>> > to run anything -- including such things as xterm -- it tells me that
>> > it can't find things like
>Did the X server work fine? (And just the xorg-clients had problems?)
The Xserver worked, in that it suddenly put up a high-res background
and the mouse worked. twm was working, or I couldn't have tried to
fire up failing applications like xterm. Hmm -- the background was the
right color, which means that 'xsetroot' was working, too.
>Do Xnest and xorgcfg have the correct RPATH?
I don't know what RPATH is, nor xorgcfg -- I configured the system via
'X -configure'. How do I check this?
>Can either of you file a PR about this?
I will do so when I'm a little clearer on exactly what's happening. It
occurred to me last night that the problem is even more complex than I
had thought -- any time you're compiling, you presumably need some way
to reference libraries; I'd assume that the Makefiles are pointing to
/usr/X11R6/lib or some such. (And what will that do to binary packages
built on other machines?)
--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,