Subject: Running Python Scripts
To: None <>
From: Gary Parker <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/11/2005 16:23:31
Howdy all,
today I compiled and installed python24-pth on my sparcstation 20
running NetBSD 2.0
It all seems to run quite nicely and with no errors except that scripts
starting with the traditional:
#!/usr/bin/env python as the output of 'env python' doesn't actually give you the contents
of the python environment variable (which I have manually set to
/usr/pkg/bin/python2p4) but, rather, gives the following error message:
env: python: No such file or directory
It would appear that /usr/bin/env is trying to run the argument 'python' as
an executable rather than just printing out the variable's content.
Obviously I can replace '#!/usr/bin/env python' with
'#!/usr/pkg/bin/python2p4' in any given script and it will run quite happily
but as the former case seems to be the Internet standard for python files I
wondered if there was a better way to make this work on NetBSD?
/-Gary Parker-----------------------f-Loughborough University-\
n IT Bandwidth Management Specialist - |
| Computing Services - o