Subject: booting and ide-cards
To: None <>
From: Reinhold M. Roppert <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/01/2005 01:09:46
i have a system with an harddrive as master on the onboard ide
controller and 3 other harddisks on an PCI-IDE Controller (Promise
Ultra 100Tx2). These 3 harddrives are changeable in mobile racks
(drives for backup different machines).
In the bios is hd0 the boot-disk.
Now if i boot the system without an harddrive on the pci-controller,
there is no problem and the system boots from wd0a.
If i attach drives to the controller, the system starts but the bootdrive is
now wd2 and the booting fails.
Is it possible to fix the bootdrive hd0 to wd0 ? Or is there an other
There are not always all 3 drives in the bays.
Sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand what i mean.
Best regards
R. M. Roppert