Subject: Migrating from FreeBSD to NetBSD: general questions
To: None <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/25/2005 09:54:20
I'm still working on this migration thing for my server. I've started
to get a few things up and running, but I have some general questions:

1. FreeBSD's inetd (I know I know, shouldn't use it blah blah :) is
able to decide which address it's going to listen on. This was handy
because I find it convenient to use it on my internal network, but of
course I don't want it listening on my external network. Is there some
nice way to achieve this for NetBSD, other than writing a rule to
block things that the inetd will listen for? I suppose I could use
wrappers too...

2. I've searched on this one and I'm not sure if it's possible. I'm
looking for a sysctl or some other way to disable inet6 without
recompiling. I don't use inet6 at this point, and it's good practice
to not enable what you don't use (and it muddys up some of my output I
use to watch the network). An unacceptable answer for this would be
"You shouldn't disable inet6".

3. Is there a way to turn on and off multi cpu support without a
recompile? Probably a stupid question... I may be moving this NetBSD
install to a multi cpu machine at some point.

