Subject: 1.5 netbsd installation on 4mb RAM machine
To: None <>
From: Karim Forsthofer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/31/2005 21:34:07
Hello guys
I didn`t get far with the netbsd 1.5 installation on my old notebook. The m=
achine has only 4 megs of ram and 170MB HD. No cdrom or nic avaliable.=20
The boot floppy image "boot-tiny" is the only one bootable, the others run =
out of memory ( I tried it).=20
Now I cannot find slattach program after loading the bootdisk into RAM. Whe=
re did the developers from the good old days put it? It should be shipped =
with the floppy, shouldn`t it? Without slattach, I have no idea how to setu=
p a nullmodem connection between my main machine and the notebook.=20
Any suggestions?=20
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