Subject: Re: Moving from AMD x86 to AMD64?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/16/2005 04:05:42
In article <>,
Space Case <> wrote:
>I've been running 1.6K on a 1.2GHz Thunderbird for quite some time, and the
>system has been rock solid, even with my Gigabit card, until the fan on the
>Northbridge chip quit and the chip seems to have suffered some collateral
>damage. That is, even though I've got the fan running again, I get timeout
>errors on wm0 if the data rate goes much above 50KBps.
>So I trucked on down to the local Fry's, to find that Socket A motherboards
>are a dying breed, and came home instead with an AMD 3200+/motherboard combo.
>What I would like to know is, how difficult is the transition to the new CPU
>going to be? Can I just plug in the new board/CPU and run with what I have?
Yes, provided the kernel you have supports all your devices.
>If not, would an AMD64 kernel suffice, until I got everything rebuilt? And
>will it run 1.6K, or am I going to have to give up my stable system? (I've
>seen questions about how well the current wm0 code runs...)
I don't know about that, but you are better off anyway switching kernel and
binaries to amd64 eventually.