Subject: Re: time of shutdown / power-loss
To: Petar Bogdanovic <>
From: Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/30/2005 13:17:30
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Also sprach Petar Bogdanovic (
> Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher wrote:
> That's an interesting approach! But why don't you use cron(8)?
There is no special reason, I used that shellskript as a quick hack=20
for a MS-Windows-PC I stress tested with a NetBSD-Live CD and kept it.
You can use cron either.=20
PGP FPR: CF74 D5F2 4871 3E5C FFFE 0130 11F4 C41E B3FB AE33
Der Geist des Kriegers sollte mit Beginn des Neujahrstages bis zum Ende=20
des Jahres vom Gedanken an seinen Tod beherrscht werden.
Daijouji Shigesuke in "Budo Shoshin Shuu"
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